STEPN Sidekick

by Rob Godfrey

Health & Fitness


Optimize your sneaker for the greatest earnings or greatest mystery box chances. Get audible alerts during your workout.SHOE OPTIMIZEROptimize your earning potential with the shoe optimizer. Save up to six different shoes and calculate your estimated GST/GMT earning, durability loss/repair cost, HP loss/restoration cost, and mystery box chance! You can also see your total profit calculated in USD with real-time price data.SPEED ALARMSet a custom speed range or choose the default speed range for your shoe. If you start going too slow or too fast, the app will warn you with an audible alert or vibration.ENERGY TIMER WITH OPTIONAL VOICE UPDATESThe app will start a timer based on the amount of energy you want to spend. Optional voice updates alert you every five minutes with the amount of time remaining in your workout, and the app will alert you when all of the energy is spent.OPTIONAL VOICE UPDATES FOR SPEEDVoice alerts update you on your current speed and/or your average speed for the most recent five minutes.SEE WORKOUT INFO AS A NOTIFICATIONThe notification allows you to check your speed and time from the lock screen, without opening your phone.